Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Native New Yorker Nutrition Facts

fourth edition of "Green Bombers one night ... still" renewed success!

For the second time the evening dedicated to the history of the GB was played on the field to 11 with more than a dozen former GB involved. After the minute's silence in memory of Peter Colombo, the match was played between "old" and "new" was balanced for a time and a half ... then the young people to claim a greater freshness and athletics have largely won (7-3). After the match, the customary ceremony. It is not no prize was awarded "Lifetime Achievement" (because the courts have not reached agreement on the names) but were awarded the 2007-08 season the best GB: GB

year: Francesco Godano
Best defender: Andrea Oliva
Best Midfielder: Best striker Fabrizio Loi
: Marco Cucchi more
Players present: Andrea Oliva, Romeo and Cesari Marco Cucchi (20 admissions)
Award Blogspot: Sergio Franco and Andrea Oliva Aniort
Spirit Green Bombers: Marco Cucchi

It is so officially closed the 2007-08 season even if the football should continue for another few weeks before the holidays .... then we'll see how to reorganize for the 2008-09 season Biancoverde


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